Goal-setting is important. Where do you want to be? How do you plan to get there? I'm going to tell you all what my goals for 2019 are.

It's almost 2019. Congratulations, you've made it another year without losing your shit. Or maybe you did lose your shit. Now's the time to decide to get it back together.
I've always found that it's easier to accomplish goals if you tell someone about them. Secret goals can be abandoned easily, or unknowingly sabotaged by well-meaning friends and family.
So I'm saying it out loud for the world to hear.
This past September I decided to dedicate myself to wedding photography. I had been dabbling in commercial, events, family, etc and couldn't really pin down what exactly I wanted out of photography. I realized that I love the ritual, structure, and artistry of weddings. I like the personal connection and camaraderie. I have the know-how to plan the day and keep things rolling the right way. It just works for me.
I told myself "okay, let's book 5 weddings next year".
By October I was at 6. Now, I'm at 8. This super-quick booking of almost 10 weddings has led me to up the ante. I'm setting some serious business goals this year.
I think 20 is a completely reasonable goal for me. I'll accept more, but I'm already almost halfway there.
Goal-setting is a funny thing. I've always felt that to be successful in setting your goals you need to hit that very precarious balance of realistic, calculated, and ambitious. Goals should be within reach (in theory) and make sense based (to an extent) on trajectory & past performance, but they should also be set just far enough away so that they're still a challenge.
What are your goals for 2019? Tell us.